Politexts is the Best Way to Connect with Your Audience at Scale
Self-Service Platform
Our user-friendly, self-service platform for message sending empowers our clients to manage and send messages with unprecedented ease and autonomy.
Enhanced Audience Suppression
The days of using pivot tables are long gone. Our platform allows you to easily suppress different audiences and previously sent campaigns.
High-Quality Video
Deliver high-quality campaign ads and direct-to-camera fundraising pitches without compromising quality.
Increased Capacity
Upgraded infrastructure, leading to a substantial increase in message-sending capacity.
Link Tracking
Streamline your link management effortlessly by utilizing our link tracking system, allowing for both concise link presentation and efficient tracking capabilities.
Industry Standard Features
Two-way conversations, auto-triggered keywords, emoji integration, and unique phone numbers for each client.
Dyanmic Variable Data
Personalize each recipient’s experience by including their name in the message or providing a unique link for them to take a survey.
Send-Only User Access
Create user accounts limited only to sending messages and cannot create campaigns, access billing, view results, or handle client data.
Get Started with 10,000 Free Messages
Sign up now and receive the first 10,000 text messages for free!