America's Best P2P Texting Platform
Built for agencies, consultants, and pollsters; Politexts provides quick, reliable, and fully compliant SMS, MMS, and Video text messages.
Get your first 10,000
messages for free
We know changing providers can be challenging, we make the transition smooth. Try us out today, with no commitment.
Monitor your campaigns with real-time actionable insights in an easy to understand client dashboard
Automatically send responses to your most common inquiries.
Deliver high-quality video, images, and gifs without compromising quality.
The Best Two-Way P2P Messaging Platform
With Politext's two-way messaging feature, you can engage in interactive communication with your constituents. Respond to their queries, gather feedback, and build stronger connections.
Engage in real-time conversations
Gather valuable feedback from your audience
Build stronger connections with your constituents
Automated Responses: Set up automatic replies to engage with customers.
Our platform allows marketing agencies to easily segment their target audience and send personalized text messages for maximum impact.
Campaign Analytics: Track the success of your text message campaigns.
With our campaign analytics feature, marketing agencies can measure the effectiveness of their text message campaigns and make data-driven decisions.
Multimedia Messaging: Enhance your text messages with images and videos.
Stand out from the competition by sending engaging multimedia messages to your audience.
Get Started with 10,000 Free Messages
Sign up now and receive the first 10,000 text messages for free!